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Year 7 Enrolment 2025

We are proud to show our school in action and warmly invite prospective families to book a tour. Led by our Principal or Assistant Principal and student ambassadors, tours enable families to experience our innovative learning environment, our amazing school building and our commitment to positive relationships and high-quality learning and teaching – all on a regular school morning.

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Enrolment Enquiry

If you are interested in enrolling your child at Richmond High School. Please complete the enquiry form and we will get back to you shortly.

Enquire today

School Zone

A revised Richmond High School Zone 2020 has been released. The Official Richmond High School Enrolment Policy has been approved by the Minister of Education and remains current. For parents the new Find My School Department of Education and Training Website enables you to easily see you zoned school. You can place your residential address in the Search and find your local school. This is a great development and will make school selection more transparent.

Our school zone has been updated to reflect current enrolment patterns and future demands. Kew High School has had its zone adjusted. School zones are reviewed annually, but zones are unlikely to change unless it is further affected by one of these factors or at the discretion of the Regional Director. Access to our school for families living within our school zone will not change. Children who live in our school zone are guaranteed enrolment in our school if their parents request it. All children currently enrolled in the school can still attend the school. Parents with children living outside our zone still have the choice to request enrolment, but their enrolment will depend on our capacity. We will manage enrolments using the Department’s Placement Policy. The Department’s Placement Policy has not changed, nor has our approved Enrolment Policy.

To support communities in the South bank area, the Minister for Education has agreed that children currently zoned to Collingwood College, living south of the Yarra River, who are transitioning from year 6 to year 7, should be given preference for enrolment at Richmond High School, Elwood College and Albert Park College after local students and their siblings, should they choose to attend any of those schools.  This arrangement will remain in place until additional secondary provision is made available through the opening of Fishermans Bend Secondary School, anticipated to be in 2022. All students in this zone are guaranteed a place at Richmond High School. In addition, any year 6 student transitioning to year 7 that is currently zoned to Collingwood College, living south of the Yarra River, will also be guaranteed a place at Richmond High School, should they wish to attend.

Enrolment Policy.


Richmond High School is committed to providing a clear and transparent enrolment policy. All placements are subject to the availability of accommodation. Richmond High School’s enrolment policy is approved by the Minister for Education (June 2018).



This policy is for Year 7 entry
Students applying for placement at Richmond High School will be enrolled in the following order:

  • Students for whom the school is the designated neighbourhood school.
  • Students with a sibling at the same permanent address who are attending the school at the same time.
  • Students seeking enrolment into the Enhanced Chinese Language Program.

There will places available in this program each year through an eligibility and selection process.

All other students in order of closeness of their home to the school.

In exceptional circumstances, compassionate grounds.


Enhanced Chinese Language Program Eligibility and Selection Process

Families who have highly able Chinese Language students, outside of our zone, should write to the principal requesting enrolment on ‘curriculum grounds’.

  • Placement for students under Curriculum Grounds is subject to the availability of places following the enrolment of students from within the school’s designated neighbourhood boundary.
  • Richmond High School will offer places each year in its Enhanced Chinese Language Program in the following order:
  1.       Students who live within the designated neighbourhood boundary who participated in the Bilingual Chinese Program at Abbotsford Primary School or        Richmond West Primary School
  2.       All other students who undertake the agreed selection process.


Selection Process

  • Students seeking entry into the Enhanced Chinese Language Program must be registered with the Enrolments Officer by 1 May each year.
  • Students will be invited to attend the school on a Saturday in June where they will be provided the opportunity to provide written and verbal responses to questions relating to the curriculum grounds, to ensure their suitability.
  • There will be no time limit for students to complete the questions.
  • The responses will be assessed by a panel made up of two Chinese Teachers and an Assistant Principal from Richmond High School.


Local applicants

  • Applicants whose address is within the Richmond High School Neighbourhood Enrolment Boundary have automatic entry into Richmond High School. Please see the Neighbourhood Enrolment Boundary map on our web page.
  • Families will be requested to provide documentary evidence to verify their residential address. Examples include: a rental agreement or unconditional contract of sale (a private rental agreement, i.e. between landlord and tenant, may not be acceptable), a rate notice or electricity/gas bill, electoral enrolment confirmation, driver’s licence, Medicare statement, Centrelink documents or another document from a government agency.


All other applicants

  • Richmond High School also accepts students from outside the local area. The number of students that Richmond High School is able to accommodate under this category is determined by the number of vacancies available after local students have been allocated a place and subject to enrolment policies.

Richmond High School is committed to child safety. Our school values describe that children should be safe in all school environments and outside school hours when in our care and we have zero tolerance for child abuse.

DE Placement Policy

International Student Program

Studying in Victoria

Victorian government schools are a destination of choice for international students. Our schools provide international students with a high-quality education, excellent English language tuition and caring welfare support services. To learn more about studying and living in Victoria as an international student, see:

How to apply

Most international students must apply to the Department of Education in order to study in a Victorian government school. To learn about the application types and to apply, see: How to apply

Contact our school

For more information about international students, please contact the below staff member.

International Student Coordinator (ISC): Ms Charlene Lloyd

Phone: 03 8396 6399

School email:

Richmond High School is accredited under the Department of Education’s CRICOS registration (CRICOS provider name and code: Department of Education, 00861K). For more information, see:


Applicants whose address is within the Richmond High School Neighbourhood Enrolment Boundary have automatic entry into Richmond High School. We are committed to an open and transparent process for all families.

Colin Simpson, Foundation Principal