
The best way to prepare for an ever changing world is to learn to never stop learning. Those who do will have a rich, rewarding and exciting life.

Strong Academic Focus.

We are welcoming and inclusive, embracing difference and diversity in its many forms. We offer a strong academic focus that encourages creativity and original thinking. We have high expectations of our students as learners, balanced by care and support whenever it is needed. We hope to equip the students in our care for an ever-changing world, encouraging them to embrace learning for life and the desire to make a difference.


Richmond High School will provide all students with a planned and structured curriculum based on the Victorian Curriculum to equip them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to complete their schooling and to make a successful transition from school to work, training or further education.

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School Library.

The Library has an extensive range of print books including fiction, non fiction, graphic novels, biographies, magazine and reference books.  Staff and students can also access ebooks from Wheelers and other online databases for research.  Students may borrow from both. There are no limits to how many books you can borrow.   Come say hello to the friendly Teacher Librarian Ms Georgia Flaskas and check out our growing collection.

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The Languages Program.

 At Richmond High School, we offer a comprehensive language program that values lifelong learning. We believe that learning a new language is a powerful tool for cognitive development, fostering a growth mindset, and enhancing cultural understanding, respect, and empathy. Our program is designed to enrich students’ lives by preparing them for a globalized future and world.

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Professional Learning.

Richmond High School is a school where professional learning is central to our practice and aspirations for our school. We offer a broad range of professional learning programs including tours, briefings, seminars, workshops and training related to Professional Practice for all staff.

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We have high expectations of our students. We expect them to work hard, set high standards for themselves and strive to be their best, we will support students to do this. We also set high expectations for ourselves.

Victoria Triantafyllou - Foundation Assistant Principal